
Showing posts from January, 2012

Parenthetical, periodical

Today marks day seven of the ten-day window I have to go over the edits for the April release and send it back to my editor. Despite slacking off on the blog (already) I was (more) serious about doing my due diligence concerning making this book error-free (sort of). The editor isn't the same as last time; in fact, the style is completely different. There are no little, positive bubbles off to the right congratulating me or patting me on the back. If there's a note in the margin this time around, it concerns business and nothing else. This part is confusing; rework. What does this have to do with the surrounding statements; edit. Who is speaking;clarify. But, I suppose all of it makes sense. I needed my ego stroked then more than I do now. I know this book is better (good, even) so I don't have to be told, and I know it has mistakes as well. Those are the things it's important for me to hear about. The plan was to spend the ten days moving quickly (and thoroughly) t...


Today I'm back at work, first day of the new year. So far, I'm keeping track of how each day has gone, because there are so few of them. Because I plan on making this year better than the previous one. Appropriately, it started off with some victories and some failures. I said I didn't think I'd be able to do it, and then I did. I'm speaking of the 8 chapters I had in mind to write during the time that I was off. Two days after I typed my doubts out into the aether, something like a perturbed energy came over me, and I started writing. Call it drive I guess. Whatever the case, I finished the eighth chapter yesterday morning, and felt good. Then, I realized how much more work I have to do on that manuscript alone (at least as many chapters as I wrote over break). Then I realized how much more work I have to do on that series alone (going back and making each book better, line for line, chapter for chapter).  I guess the idea is to celebrate the victories less and...