What worlds are these
Neglected to write last weekend, and this weekend's chapter was a full thousand words short of the usual length. I don't feel extremely worried. There were points I wanted to hit, and the outline was resistant to letting me find somewhere to fit them in. The result was an expository chapter which I feel will help the overall story move along more smoothly. Now, for some real words. The sci-fi setting is flawed. And I don't mean flawed the way a first team all-american's game is flawed, that is to say, almost perfect. I mean flawed in the way a bowl can be sculpted and after the kiln fires, the new shape won't hold water. I mean flawed like it might just have to be scrapped. Speaking with other writers in one of the meet up groups about ethnography had some part to play, but mostly it was the years I've lived since writing the first book, and failing to finish the second. For reference, think of any planet you've seen in a science fiction movie. It was h...