Killing time
Part III Another night, another run. The sameness was broken by a splash of white on an otherwise black clad man, on either side of a dark tie, between two breasts of a matching suit jacket. The sight made David remember the guards in his mother’s kitchen in a way that made him realize that slowly, slowly he had been forgetting those memories all along. He changed direction after another two strides and pushed himself against an alley wall. He glanced in both directions, then peeked around the corner but the man was gone. Everything clung to the baseline of his beating heart, and David found himself stalking to hide away in the parking structure of a nearby office park, cowering. He waited, and then he waited some more. He waited until long after it should’ve been safe, then he climbed stairs to look down on the area around him, crouched down in the shadows, peering into the open darkness. ...