Gree things

They say you never get a second chance at a first impression, but that's something I knew already. That premeditating how I will introduce myself isn't overly helpful is something I was not aware of. Good news is that I will likely get the chance to even screw it up, I guess. Locally, there's a yearly book fair with a "local prose stage," which I applied to be involved with, months back. I had to pen a crisp synopsis of 175 words, which proved difficult. I appreciated the challenge, though, and just the other day was accepted. At this point I have no idea what I'll be doing, and for how long, but a yes crowded in with all the no's feels pretty good.

Also, it seems like the book signing is a real possibility. I 'followed up' with the gentleman, which is an adult life skill I'm still trying to master, and it worked out. It was days after he said he would contact me, and he had already booked some of the dates in the month in question. I have the feeling that had I waited there would've been no room for me. He asked me about times in the evening versus afternoon, and gave me the available dates left on the calendar. I picked an evening toward the end of the week, so perhaps that's that. Between that and the book fair event, I just might have the opportunity to publicly embarrass myself and ruin good will. Or shine.

A friend from high school is a photographer, a not too shabby one at that. One of the things the book fair required I submit was a picture of myself. I went with something interesting in lieu of trying to send something that actually looked good (I chanced into a photo of myself grinding a rod iron fixture, goggles on, sparks flying). But it did remind me that I lack a head shot. You know the one, back of the book, or perhaps in the jacket, a black and white photograph of a woman or man looking thoughtful or dignified, composed or hilarious. I've never felt very photogenic, but I've learned that a major component of looking confident (and attractive) is acting confident. Still, at the mention of wardrobe changes and venue selections, I found myself quickly closing the window.

In other news, on more confident matters, the weekend's writing went well, as did the editing. I wasn't completely happy with the drafts, but I realized also that I rarely am. I am also looking forward to finally being done this weekend. It was a thorough undertaking, and I can't really say that I'm glad it's over, but it will be good to be under less stress. The idea I had on a new story has been bombarding my thoughts, and only this morning did I realize how much research and outlining it's going to take just to start it. It was a bit of a horrifying revelation at how these things grow inside of my mind, and how much energy they consume. I also signed up to judge the e-book competition for the organization I joined a few months ago, and got the first group of books I'm supposed to inspect. Naturally, I'm not allowed to talk about them, but all of that is to say I'll be keeping busy, a different kind of busy, after all these months of writing is finally done. I should also have the mental space to gird myself for more rejection as I try again to find and secure an agent.

Stand up straight; don't slouch. Shake hands firmly; speak with a full voice. Smile; don't show them your teeth.


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