At the 50, the 40, the 30, the 30, the 30...

Day one of the weight loss program... for my short story submission. I sent it to two different readers. The first one liked it, but was shaky on the passages I feared would be wobbly. The second one also liked it, but had a lot of questions about what was going on, what it all meant. He pointed out something I could only discover by writing: 2,000 words is not a lot of words. I told him that I felt the prompt of the story had to be part of the whole process of reading the story. So much had to be left out, replaced with pointers to specific bits in the premise. I wasn't very happy with things.

Good news is I did get it down to under the word maximum. That is, unless the title counts as part of the word count. If so, I still have some suctioning to do. Through it all, I still didn't figure out a better way to start it. What's worse, nothing has occurred to me since. Normally these things occur to me with rumination. Sometimes it takes hours. Sometimes days. I told myself, I told you, that I was going to spend the week improving the story. And maybe I felt like I'd be farther along, but I think the truth of the matter is I thought I'd be done today. I set a target, I shoot, I miss. Then I calibrate, which is what I'm trying to do now. The closer to the mark I was in the first place, the easier it is. So, I'm guessing I didn't even hit anywhere on the target. I know that the story could be good, but the way I write seems to force whatever I do to either be good or bad. It can't be mediocre. It's either clever, and thoughtful, or it's confusing and clumsy.

Another day of not even looking at the synopsis for the fantasy novel. I think maybe tomorrow will be a target day to spend some time approaching both projects with fresh eyes. I'm going to avoid a past mistake and not even give a date for when I have in mind to send the fantasy synopsis off. Suffice to say that this short story is the only thing I want sharp enough for submission, so it's the only thing that's going to get in the way, and it will only be in the way, at the longest, for another week. And then... and THEN... and... then...
Well, I guess then I'll write some more... on something. I got some ideas just today about more stories, another book. I wonder if I just started right now, with no sleep or food or time off, how long it would take me to finish it all...


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